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Pet friendly retirement village

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Our retirement community welcomes your pet

Your well-behaved pet, appropriate for apartment living and acceptable under our pet ownership rules, is sure to also become a treasured member of the village community.

Iola Ternel, Aura village resident, shares her life and apartment with her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Dolly.

“I think Dolly has settled into village living very well. Before coming here I started training her in preparation so I restricted her time outside to get her used to hanging on and this helped a great deal with settling in here.’’

Iola says having Dolly brings mutual benefits. “She is just the most wonderful company. She makes me go out for a walk. We go out for half an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon. If I didn’t have Dolly, I know I wouldn’t get out walking, so there’s mutual benefits for both of us.’’

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Dolly is just the most wonderful company. She makes me go out for a walk. We go out for half an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon. If I didn’t have Dolly, I know I wouldn’t get out walking, so there’s mutual benefits for both of us.’’

Iola, Aura village resident

Read our blog about pets in the village

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