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Retirement village evolution

The Weekly Source reports on how Aura Holdings' director Tim Russell sees retirement villages of the future.

Retirement village evolution: what customers want

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

The Weekly Source reports on how Aura Holdings‘ director Tim Russell sees retirement villages of the future. Tim says savvy RV operators need to capitalise on the fact residents demand in-home support services.

“We have been a bit slow in identifying the need to enhance our offering. Retirement villages need to offer more than just residential accommodation,” Tim says.

Read the full article here


Retirement village evolution: what customers want

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

The Weekly Source reports on how Aura Holdings' director Tim Russell sees retirement villages of the future. Tim says savvy RV operators need to capitalise on the fact residents demand in-home support services.

"We have been a bit slow in identifying the need to enhance our offering. Retirement villages need to offer more than just residential accommodation,'' Tim says.

Read the full article here


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