Terms of Use
This website and its contents (“website”) are owned and operated by Aura Holdings Pty Ltd of 2/20-24 Cambridge Street , Coorparoo, Queensland, Australia (“we” or “us”).
The use of this website is governed by the following terms and conditions, as amended from time to time (the “Terms of Use”). Each time you use this website, you acknowledge to us that you have read and understood these Terms of Use and agree to be bound by them.
Copyright and disclaimer
All text and images are the copyright of Aura Holdings. Use of these is not allowed without the written permission of Aura Holdings. Aura Holdings villages are under various stages of development, ranging from concept through to functioning village. Apartments are selling off the plan, new established and refurbished established. Images and artist’s impressions on this Website are representative of the final product and are subject to change.
Prices on this Website are in Australian dollars and were correct at time of upload and are subject to change.
Apartment details and descriptions on this Website were correct at time of upload and are subject to change.
Floor plans on this Website were correct at time of upload and are subject to change.
Elevation plans on this Website were correct at time of upload and are subject to change.
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